Observando este blog alguém poderia perguntar, "porque tanta atenção à Síria?"

- é o maior ataque físico contra a cristandade nos últimos tempos (incluindo o Iraque);
- é o maior risco de eclosão de uma nova guerra mundial (e de fato, com o planejado ataque dos EUA contra Síria, impedido pela Russia, os EUA mudaram de planos e agora desestabilizam diretamente a Ucrania, quintal da Rússia);
- é um dos últimos países que resistem contra uma nova ordem mundial sem Deus (http://nonpossumus-vcr.blogspot.com.br/2014/01/comentario-eleison-numero-cccxxxix-339.html );
- é notavelmente um dos pontos (junto agora com Ucrânia e Gaza) de maiores pecados contra o Oitavo Mandamento, por parte da maioria da mídia (pecado grave que coloca em risco a salvação de muitos jornalistas).
Nota - os textos em itálico acima foram incluídos em 15/8/14.

sábado, 6 de outubro de 2012

Maior empenho pela verdade

[  Esperamos maior empenho pela verdade pro este órgão de notícias da Fraternidade FSSPX. ]
DICI     http://www.dici.org/en/category/news/

[  A última notícia desta perseguição islâmica de cristãos na Síria, financiada pelo ocidente, países árabes e outros,  é de 20/7/12 .   A situação agora piorou muito e requer uma justa atenção de uma mídia séria]

“The UN and the Western countries,” he stated, “do not realize that with their sanctions and their support for the rebels they are causing more casualties than the regime does.” “Those who want to destroy Assad—Qatar and Saudi Arabia, as well as the other Gulf States—rule their own countries with an iron hand without any respect for human rights and religious freedom. Why, to this day, has no one ever condemned the violent acts against the Shiites in Bahrain or the arrest and sentencing of Christian migrants in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait?”

“We feel completely abandoned by the Christians of the West, and we risk suffering the same fate as the Christians of Iraq…”
The Lebanese prelate deplores the attitude of the western governments “that only function according to their own interests and take no interest in the fate of the Christians of Syria.” Archbishop Abraham Nehmé points out that the Muslim Brothers, who are gaining influence everywhere thanks to the “Arab Spring”, “do not seem to look on the Christians with a kindly eye.” If they were to come into power, it would be a threat to the long-term presence of the Christians in this region, he insists. “I am almost certain that if the Islamists come into power, we will not be very comfortable!”

He firmly denounced the media propaganda: “No one in the media speaks of the infiltration in Syria of extremists and mercenaries from Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Pakistan, some from Afghanistan… From without, we see the West attacking our president, and from within, we see groups of armed Muslims who come to sow terror and death in certain zones of the country. Unfortunately, several thousands of innocent civilians and soldiers – at least 2,000 soldiers, police officers, simple civilians – have been victims of the hate and hostility of these groups. They have often been savagely tortured, mutilated and killed.”

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