Observando este blog alguém poderia perguntar, "porque tanta atenção à Síria?"

- é o maior ataque físico contra a cristandade nos últimos tempos (incluindo o Iraque);
- é o maior risco de eclosão de uma nova guerra mundial (e de fato, com o planejado ataque dos EUA contra Síria, impedido pela Russia, os EUA mudaram de planos e agora desestabilizam diretamente a Ucrania, quintal da Rússia);
- é um dos últimos países que resistem contra uma nova ordem mundial sem Deus (http://nonpossumus-vcr.blogspot.com.br/2014/01/comentario-eleison-numero-cccxxxix-339.html );
- é notavelmente um dos pontos (junto agora com Ucrânia e Gaza) de maiores pecados contra o Oitavo Mandamento, por parte da maioria da mídia (pecado grave que coloca em risco a salvação de muitos jornalistas).
Nota - os textos em itálico acima foram incluídos em 15/8/14.

terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013

Siria - moedor de terroristas

[ Moedor de terroristas filo-ocidentais, entenda-se bem, aqueles ajudados por EUA, OTAN, Israel, Arabia Saudita e Qatar.  Estao sendo eliminados pelo Exercito Arabe Sirio, com a ajuda da populacao siria, que apoia totalmente seu presidente, Assad, o unico defensor do cristianismo nestes tristes dias deste pobre mundo. ]

SAA Tank with Flag Syria: The Terrorists Mincer

The picture becoming clearer and the country supposed to fall in the hands of barbarians has become their graveyard. Highly trained Wahhabi fanatic suicide bombers are being killed in tens, hundreds and sometimes in thousands in qualitative Syrian Arab Army operations, Syria is becoming the official mincer of Alqaeda.
They don’t lack equipment, NATO member states along with some regional governments aligned with NATO has provided them with the top surface to air missiles, goggles, sniper rifles, communication devices, even a special shadow internet.
They don’t lack logistics or training, CIA, MI6, Turkish MiT and regional intelligence agencies has provided them with the highest training on street fighting, killing without any remorse, rehabilitation for those injured in Jordanian, Turkish and of course Israeli hospitals, training on state of the art weapons while the Obama regime for instance is working to strip their own citizens from any sort of personal weapons to defend themselves.
They don’t lack finance, Saudi Arabia, Qatar (pronounced Gutter), the west and others opened their vaults wide to finance the training of them, the salaries given to them, the cost of airlifting them, the cost of their staying, the cost of their rehabilitation, the cost of their weapons to the extent the Obama regime has no problem shutting down own government but would not stop the funding of them.
They don’t lack motive, they seek sex by raping their victims, raping their own colleagues’ women, swinging their wives, raping each other, even raping goats, whatever with a hole is a target for them in their current filthy life and they dream of the 72 virgins in the life hereafter as they think they’re heading to paradise not realizing they’re heading directly to hell.
All that didn’t help the terrorists brought from all sides of the planet to destroy the last secular state in the Middle East and North Africa region when they met the men of the Syrian Arab Army and other Syrian armed forces. The Wahhabi Cannibal Sex Jihadists sponsored by the world’s ‘super powers’ of the west and their regional stooges are falling one after the other, in groups of tens, hundreds and even in thousands. Syria plotted by the west to be a center for exporting terrorists have turned into the graveyard of the world’s filthiest filth.

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